So far most people will think that the most important parts of our body are internal organs such as brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, and liver. However, have you ever imagined what will happen if you have a perfect body without feet? Your life would be extremely difficult . You would not be able to even move yourself even in a short distance, which lead to the disruption of other activities.
Let´s discuss about the role of foot in our lives. First of all, your feet support most of your movement activities either you run, walk, stand, or even jump. The role of your feet is not only to support your body weight so that your body posture is balance enough to keep your body not to fall, but also to adapt at different terrains. These conditions can be achieved with a fully functional feet, but what happen if people have feet abnormalities? There are feet abnormalities such as flat feet, high arched feet, and club feet. Now let’s take a look at flat feet. People who suffer from this type of foot abnormality will have the entire sole of feet contact almost completely to the ground. This caused people can’t adapt to many terrain and won’t be able too walk at long distances. This kind of abnormality is common in infants due to ”baby fat” which masks the developing arch.
Moreover, feet have aesthetic functions too. People who works as fashion model have to keep their feet beauty at good shape. By keeping their feet at their best state, fashion models will be able to build up their confidence.
To sum up, I would say that feet are the foundation of body and lives for it’s support of body weight and also it’s aesthetic functions. Therefore I would recommend that it’s important to consult your children as soon as possible since it’s better to prevent than to cure a disease itself. In case that your children is diagnosed with feet disorder, you could prevent more damaged earlier.